Features include an eye catching morphtext in the header, details lightbox for more
details information, statistics numbers for important values, card slider for testimonials, image slider
for customer logos and working forms that will enable your landing page to provide leads in order to
achieve your marketing goals.
Some useful extra pages are bundled with the template lik article details, terms
conditions and privacy policy which can be customized as per your requirements. Riga has an impactful
dark style design combined with warm colors and angular background shapes with the unique goal of making
your mobile app stand out.
Leon is an easy to customize landing page HTML template built with Tailwind CSS for
promoting mobile apps to the online audience and making visitors download them from app stores. This
template is built with HTML and Tailwind CSS to ensure the highest flexibility for all users.
Visitors love a beautiful and efficient website
All designers, developers and tech-savvy people will be able to customize this
template with basic web coding skills. Among the features you will find details lightbox for more
details information, tabbed content for feature details, video lightbox, card slider for
testimonials, statistics numbers, image slider for customer logos, dropdown navigation and useful
extra pages for article details, terms.
Together with touches of call to action green, the overall landing page design will
showcase your app beautifully and will help with convincing visitors to download it from the app stores.
Orange and gray hues with one color backgrounds to maximize the impact of your content image slider for
customer logos and working forms.